Cheap Performance Tyres Anybody interested

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Nexen N8000 is one of those. Is it really good? Be honest la...

Well, for the price Nexen N8000 is a good tyre for ride comfort, low noise, and good handling. Tyre proved quite good when new but after a few thousand km the grip in the wet disappeared completely despite of gigantic channels in them.

In general, Nexen N8000 tyres are only good for comfortable ride and low noise. Thats it, nothing more. They do not match the top range tyres in terms of performance and become unusable even before reaching 20,000km!

It is softer than the factory fitted CSC3 on P308T. The sidewalls are so soft that you think that the tyre is bending like hell when you drive spirited and corner fast. If you are a spirited driver then stay away from these tyres.

I think better stick to one of these!

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